If You Think You Are an Amateur Use it to Your Advantage. Spend the Time you Have Wisely Because it is Precious
The world is changing at such a rapid rate that it's turning us all into amateurs. Embrace uncertainty and the unknown.
"Sometimes amateurs have more to teach us than experts, 2 schoolboys can solve difficulties in their work for one another better than the master can" wrote author C.S Lewis
This is the first time I'm writing on Hashnode and I was influenced by a post somewhere on this blog that shared a really good book. The book is called Show Your Work by Kleon Austin.
Nishant Kasibhatla is a Certified Speaking Professional. Corporate Trainer. Author. Guinness Record Holder. Grand Master of Memory." I will include a link to the video but also quickly talk about what I got out of watching his video.
We all want to learn and input the most relevant of information into our minds whenever we get the chance. I watched his video about deep learning methods to practice how to avoid shallow learning. It's a short 20 minute video I will share a link to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVO8Wt_PCgE
The main topic he discussed was for all the time you spend on "input" as he puts it which is taking in information and teaching it to yourself. Make sure you spend at least 2x the amount of time on "output". Reflecting, implementing and sharing (which is what motivated me to write this). I am sure everyone has heard about sharing or teaching somebody else is the most effective way of remembering and actually retaining what it is you are trying to accomplish. So I thought I would give it a shot and try it out myself to reach out to other amateurs like myself and wear my heart on my sleeve and try to embrace the things I don't know.
Learning is awesome, but when I read or watch a video and then not implement it and practice afterwards I can forget. Because we are only granted so much time on this Planet it is best not to waste time. So everyone according to Nishant should make sure the Input is of the highest quality. I know it tempting to leave your phone near by and not click do not disturb on your notifications but it is distracting and you waste the effort your putting into teaching yourself something because your mind gets distracted and becomes distant with the material you have in front of you. Make sure you pay 100% attention and try your best not to multitask while reading or watching a video.
Learn with a purpose 'Don't read just to read' Spend time going through what you've learned and make a time to implement it if not right away. I think it makes sense to prefer to read 1 book every month or two than to read a book every week or less and not gain very much from it. I think it's great how we can create this network of material to benefit ourselves especially for amateurs. If you haven't already started the teach other people to teach yourself better method than you really should try. People even make money writing on Medium or something which I know some people that have had quite a bit of success doing so. Check out that book or 20 minute video and start learning and implementing and then writing on Hashnode (or wherever) about what you've learned. I have now made a commitment openly to others and shared it socially and that's the only thing I tried to accomplish by sharing. This isn't an article to impress people and I'm not a professional or master or what I do. I'm learning everyday and am a amateur developer who isn't afraid of messing up, and I think anyone in my position should feel the same way.